Sunday, May 6, 2007

Introducing -

I would like to introduce a new site on the web. A site written by Christian men. A site that talks about sports, family, movies, faith, Christianity. I real site on the web where men can go and see that Christian me are normal, have a pulse and do struggle with things that all men do struggle with.

That site is "A Complete 180" and it can be found at This site was born out of God putting a plan in action with a few men. Those men came together to be contributors to this site. These men have a heart for God. These men have a burden for this site, a burden to share. These men have had their complete 180.

Men, this site is for you. Ladies, please let your husband, your father, your son, whoever, know about this site. Please pass it along.

Our prayer is that God will use us to reach men. Men who are searching. Men who are empty. We hope that a few men will have their complete 180 moment as well, as a result of this site.

Pray for us and this new endeavor that we are embarking on.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A rekindling...

Rekindle means to revive or renew something, like a feeling or interest.

Well, I have just come through a time of testing. You all have been there and know what I am talking about. We all need God to give us some wake up calls and he gave me one over the last few months. Let's just say I have been rekindled!!

During this time, I have been reconnected with an old friend. We have had a few lunches and have had some times of sharing. Out of this we have started to hold each other accountable. Accountable to each other and God for being the men we need to be. During a time of challenging each other, I have come up with four items that are near and dear to me. Four things that I must focus on and never compromise on. Here is my list:

1. I want to hate sin.
2. I must ensure that God is the focus of everything.
3. I need to be the best husband and father that God intends me to be,
the Christ like example
4. I wish to be a humble servant of God.

These are not earth shattering, but these four items weigh heavy on my heart.

This blog was also born out of this time of testing. This is just a medium I can use to share my thoughts, for what they are worth. I just want to serve, and now share. This is my gift and I am thankful for it.